Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to file a San Diego Personal Injury Claim without Medical ...

Not everyone can afford a doctor and not everyone has up-to-date medical insurance. ?If you have been injured in San Diego it does not matter whether you have medical insurance or can afford a doctor. ?Injured victims in San Diego and throughout the state of California usually have the option of being treated on a lien basis. Many doctors, hospital and other healthcare providers including certified specialists in X-Ray and MRI centers, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists, offer their medical services on a lien basis.

What is Lien Basis Medical Treatment?

Most people are familiar with property liens; ?that is, a creditor?s notice attached to your property claiming that you owe them money. Similar to a property lien, lien basis medical treatment is a form of payment security. ?It ?grants the doctor a lien against your monetary recovery in your personal injury case. ?In other words,?it?is a written and signed agreement ?that you will ?pay ?your medical providers ?their money due after your personal injury case is completed. Once your personal injury lawyer wins your case, the medical bills will be paid from your personal injury settlement monies.

Lien basis medical treatment will not have any negative consequences on your case. ? Your medical bills will be paid by the person who was at fault in causing your injuries, or their insurance carrier. ?It works the same as if you had insurance and received treatment through your own health insurance plan. ?In such a case, the person who was at fault in injuring you would be required to pay for your medical bills incurred through your own health insurance plan.

You might wonder if doctors who treat on a ?medical lien basis are as good as doctors who don?t treat on a lien basis. ?Be assured that some of the best, most highly qualified, and reputable medical providers ?in California treat patients on a lien basis. Their willingness to perform medical services now and await payment until you either settle or win a jury verdict ?reflects a decision they have made as medical ?professionals ?as to how to conduct their practice. ?It may even suggest that the doctor is genuinely focused on helping patients. ?Doctors who perform services on a lien basis make it possible for all people to receive the best medical treatment possible even if they do not have medical insurance.

If you have been injured and cannot afford a doctor or you have limited or no medical insurance, your San Diego Personal Injury Attorney?will be able to refer you to the most reputable doctors who perform services on a lien basis, to ensure you receive the best possible medical treatment as you proceed with your personal injury claim. Call the Law Office of Peter S. Cameron at 877-603-8473 for your free consultation.

This article is for educational and marketing purposes only. ?It does not create an attorney-client relationship.


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