Sunday, January 13, 2013

End of the line. Inaugural Parade rehearsal. Time to find some hot coffee. #apatthehouse

  • charlesdharapak End of the line. Inaugural Parade rehearsal. Time to find some hot coffee. #apatthehouse ? 9h
  • catkat1 Hey that's DJ ? 7h
  • klerov The buck stops here :) ? 5h

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Huawei Ascend Mate ? a cheap, Samsung Galaxy Note alternative?

Huawei Ascend Mate ? what is it?

This is a huge phone ? its 6.1-inch screen makes the 4-inch Apple iPhone 5 (see pic below) look like a dwarf. This puts it in direct competition with the popular Samsung Galaxy Note II in the niche (if it?s fair to call it that anymore) for exceedingly large, almost tablet-size smartphones, sometimes referred to as ?phablets? if the English language is too boring for you.

Visit the?smartphones at CES 2013?news page for the latest on smartphones due for release in 2013 ? see our?CES 2013 news page?for updates on all products announced at the world?s largest technology trade show.

The following is not a review, but our first impressions of the product based on a short time using it. Pricing and availability is tentative and subject to change.

Huawei Ascend Mate ? what are the key features?

  1. It?s very big, but also light
    This one?s pretty obvious ? Huawei has pushed the size envelope a little further with this 6.1-inch screen. Is it too much? Once a you?ve already reached 5.5-inches, as rival the Galaxy Note II has, what?s a few more decimals? It still weighs less than 200g, however.
  2. Fast quad-core?processor
    Huawei is known as a budget brand, so we?d expect to the Ascend Mate to undercut rivals. Make no mistake, however, this is still a high-spec phone. A quad-core processor (cores mean prizes, or in this case speed) should ensure snappy operation, and it has all the basics of a high-end smartphone.
  3. High capacity battery
    That includes a huge, 4,050mAh battery. To put into perspective, Samsung?s equivalent has a 3,100mAh battery and it?s one of the best for battery life around, so the Ascent Mate could sweep all before it here.

Which? expert first impressions

The tech snob in me doesn?t want to like this, but on first inspection there?s little to dislike about this tabphone (surely better than ?phablet??). It?s nothing special to look at, but it seems well-made, has all the features you could want of a high-end smartphone ? the screen looks very nice ? and that massive battery could be a serious pro in its favour.

The biggest question is whether we?ll see it on these shores outside eBay and no-SIM phone shops ? Huawei is yet to gain a serious foothold with UK phone carriers. It would be a shame if it didn?t.
Andy Vandervell, Deputy technology editor

CES 2013 FAQ

What is CES 2013?
CES is short for Consumer Electronics Show ? it?s the largest trade show of its type in the world and the place where major technology brands announce their new products and discuss the future of technology.

Why does Which? attend?
It gives us an insight into what?s coming in the year ahead, so we can ensure we?re testing the right products in the right way. We also use the time to speak to technology companies to ensure they?re listening to consumer needs.

How can I find out more?
Visit our CES 2013 page?for our first impressions of all the major new products from the show. Click the links below to find out more about specific products:


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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Richard Watkins v. Aerotek Energy Services and Aerotek, Inc.

RFC Case Number: 6:2013cv00022
File Date: Friday, January 11, 2013
Plaintiff: Richard Watkins
Plaintiff Counsel:
Defendant: Aerotek Energy Services and Aerotek, Inc.
Cause: Petition for Removal- Personal Injury
Court: Oklahoma Eastern District Court

Docket Text


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Kate Winslet's space wedding gift

Kate Winslet's space wedding gift

Kate Winslet's new husband has given her a trip to space as a wedding gift. The 37-year-old actress wed Ned RocknRoll in a private ceremony in New York earlier this week, and the newlyweds will celebrate their union with the extraordinary


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Students foreshadowed Taft shooting on Twitter

Many students in Taft wonder if?Thursday's shooting at their school could have been avoided. They point to warning signs online, long before shots were fired. As investigators continue to piece together the suspected gunman's motive, 17 News got a look at some of the revealing tweets that foreshadowed the tragedy at Taft Union High School. Students took to Twitter last month, to tweet their worries about 16-year-old Bryan Oliver. A girl who identified herself as 'Allie Who' wrote " If Brian Oliver shoots up the school, I swear to God. I have like four classes with him." As students returned to school Friday to pick up their belongings, some had seen the tweets online. "I feel unsafe about it. I don't like it at all," said Tara Kelley. " It makes me kind of uneasy. It's unsettling, but what can you do?" asked Ashley Carr. The disturbing tweets are from December 15th, almost a month before students say Oliver walked into a classroom and opened fire. Another student on Twitter wrote "He made a hit list. Why is he still allowed in school and he always talks about murder like he's obsessed with it." The girl goes on to say "Yeah, he told Bowe (the victim of the shooting) that he watched five serial killer movies and thought of Bowe the whole time...?creepy." 17 News wanted to know if the school monitors social media. Did they know about these tweets? But, the district wasn't talking Friday. "They check all of our Twitters and our Facebook, and if you get caught doing something you get called up to the office," said student Meghan Clark. "You can't hide anything from this school," explained Kelley. "The vice principal and the supervisors, they go through it," noted Carr. Students told 17 News Oliver was caught last year with a hit list and was suspended for a few days. Investigators could not confirm the list. "I heard about it when I moved here, but I thought he was just a kid messing around, ya know?" said Juan Barbosa. "Everybody knew about it. I honestly don't think someone who chooses to openly voice that they want to cause other students ill will, should not be able to be re-admitted to the school," said Carr. Sierra Curry told 17 News she was on Oliver's hit list. She said the shooting was especially hard on her. We asked Curry what she thought when she heard Oliver was the suspected gunman. "He was coming to get me. I was still on his list. That I was the next one," she explained.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Scientists urge end to limits on gun safety research

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Research restrictions pushed by the National Rifle Association have stopped the United States from finding solutions to firearms violence, more than a hundred scientists from virtually every major U.S. university told Vice President Joe Biden's task force on gun violence in a letter on Thursday.

In the wake of the December school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, and other mass homicides, the group of economists, health researchers, educators, doctors and criminologists said funding should be restored to a range of study areas, from gun safety to tracking illegal guns.

President Barack Obama has asked Biden to head a task force to come up with gun policy proposals, and Biden was to meet with NRA representatives on Thursday. He said the task force will have recommendations ready for the president by Tuesday.

"While mortality rates from almost every major cause of death declined dramatically over the past half century, the homicide rate in America today is almost exactly the same as it was in 1950," the academics wrote in a letter organized by scholars at the University of Chicago Crime Lab research center.

"Politically-motivated constraints" left the nation "muddling through" a problem that costs American society on the order of $100 billion per year, it said.

The federal Centers for Disease Control has cut firearms safety research by 96 percent since the mid-1990s, according to one estimate. Congress, pushed by the gun lobby, in 1996 put restrictions on CDC funding of gun research into the budget. Restrictions on other agencies were added in later years.

The NRA, the main lobbyist for gun rights, has taken credit for the research halt. "These junk science studies and others like them are designed to provide ammunition for the gun control lobby by advancing the false notion that legal gun ownership is a danger to the public health instead of an inalienable right," it said in 2011.

Research into links between teenagers' use of guns and alcohol, and firearm storage practices, were examples the gun rights group cited, arguing that the studies were meant to show gun ownership was a "disease."

The NRA did not respond to a request for comment ahead of the letter's release.


A political fight over firearms research has waxed and waned for years. Public health researchers began digging into gun violence in the late 1980s as homicides surged. By 1996, the NRA and allies had concluded that the work was producing "anti-gun propaganda."

Congress in 1996 nearly cut the CDC budget by $2.6 million, the amount the agency spent on firearms research at the time, researchers say. The funds were later restored, but a restriction was added to the budget and remains.

"None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control," the budget read.

Similar language was added to the budget in 2011 for the National Institute of Health and other federal health agencies.

Officials have largely pulled the plug on gun research.

A forthcoming study by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's group, estimates that CDC funding for such research was cut to $100,000 a year in 2009-2012 from an average of $2.5 million, in current dollars, in 1992-1996.

Gun related studies as a percentage of total peer-reviewed research dropped 60 percent, the mayors' group estimates.

"Scientific inquiry in this field has been systematically starved, and as a result almost no one does it," said emergency room physician and University of California, Davis, professor Garen Wintemute, who signed the letter. He estimated that there were fewer than a dozen researchers in the country whose primary commitment was to firearm violence prevention.

Separate federal actions have stopped federal law enforcement officials from collecting, keeping and distributing gun ownership data. Wintemute said that made it much more difficult to effectively study gun trafficking.

Without the research, there is no clear evidence of what to do to curb gun-related violence, the scientists said. Gun rights advocates put the matter differently, saying there is no evidence that gun control works.

The letter will be available on the University of Chicago Crime Lab's Web site,

(Reporting By Peter Henderson; Editing by Martin Howell and Vicki Allen)


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Kodak patent sale approved by Judge, Apple, Google to pay $527 million

Despite hammering out the details late last year, Kodak still had to wait for the Bankruptcy court to greenlight its big patent sale. Today, that happened: Judge Allan Gropper has approved the $527 million deal between Kodak, Apple and Google -- giving the floundering photo company final permission to offload more than 1,000 imaging patents. Kodak originally valued its collection of IP at over $2 billion, which Gropper deemed a bit high. Despite hoping for a higher payout, Kodak's attorney admits the deal is probably the best it could have hoped for, explaining that the $525 million the company will collect in the agreement will give it some "patent peace." Apple and Google, once rivals for Kodak's intellectual property, struck a deal to bid on the patents together -- lowering their respective costs and and keeping the bid war out of the courts. Less litigation sounds good to us, even if it's only for a little while. Check out Bloomberg's report at the adjacent source link for more info.

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Source: Bloomberg


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A review of new interpretations of the tectonostratigraphy, geochemistry and evolution of the Onverwacht Suite, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

BAFTA Nominations: Lincoln Leads the Way


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Cancer screenings at a low in Berkshire County - North Adams ...

Wednesday January 9, 2013

PITTSFIELD -- Across Berkshire County hospitals and clinics, the number of patients getting possible life-saving breast and colonoscopy screenings -- two of the most popular forms of cancer screenings -- has declined from recent highs.

Cancer screenings have become widely adopted in the general population, but there's been an unexplained countywide drop in the number of colonoscopy and mammography tests, according to Berkshire Medical Center spokesman Michael Leary. Locally, the trend seems to follow national statistics since the American Cancer Society recently warned of a decline in the number of cancer screenings nationwide.

The decline could be the result of financial decisions for some people, according to Leary. An American Cancer Society representative said people also could be confused about when they are supposed to get screenings.

Cancer screenings are an invaluable tool for early detection and prevention. In 2009, 40,676 women died in the U.S. from breast cancer and 51,848 people died from colorectal cancer, according to the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Countywide, colon screenings -- recommended for individuals older than 50 -- has dropped from 66 percent in 2008 to 60.3 percent in 2010. The percentage reflects the number of 50-year-olds eligible for a screening, Leary said.

However, Leary said colon screenings, which includes a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (a less invasive procedure),

have doubled since 2000 when the rate was only at 31.6 percent.

In 2010, the breast cancer screening rate among women over 40 was at 77 percent -- a decline from the 90 percent that were screened in 2002.

Paul Hopkins, the spokesman at North Adams Regional Hospital, said in recent years there's been a decline in the number of people receiving preventive skin cancer screenings at an annual event hosted by the hospital.

Every May for Skin Cancer Awareness Month, Hopkins said that North Adams Regional offers skin cancer screenings. In most years, at least one case of skin cancer has been detected during these screenings, according to Hopkins.

Last May, the skin cancer screening attracted nearly 100 people, according to Hopkins, who said in years past 150 or more would participate in a screening.

"We have seen fewer people last couple of years take advantage of that," Hopkins said. North Adams Regional will increase publicity for the event this year.

Leary said that Berkshire Health Systems offers reduced rates for colonoscopy or mammography screenings. For additional information on the program, individuals are encouraged to call 855-262-5465.

"We would hate to see financial difficulties keep people from benefits need," Leary said. Cancer tips

Here are the American Cancer Society's recommendations of screenings for certain cancers. For more information, call the American Cancer hotline at 1-800-227-2345.

Breast cancer: Annual mammograms recommended starting at age 40. Clinical breast exams recommended about every three years for women in their 20s and 30s.

Colorectal cancer: Beginning at 50, men and women should either receive a flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years or colonoscopy every 10 years.

Cervical cancer: Women between 21 and 29 should have a pap test every three years. Women between 30 and 65 should receive a human papillomavirus (HPV) test every five years and pap test every three years.

Note: A women who has had her uterus removed for reasons not related to cervical cancer who has no history of cervical cancer or serious pre-cancer should not be tested.

Prostate cancer: Starting at 50, men should talk to a doctor about the pros and cons of testing so they can decide if it is an appropriate test for them.


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Herschel spacecraft eyes asteroid Apophis

Jan. 9, 2013 ? Scientists using the Herschel Space Observatory made new observations of asteroid Apophis as it approached Earth this past weekend. The data show the asteroid to be bigger than first estimated, and less reflective.

Discovered in 2004, Apophis was initially thought to have a 2.7 percent chance of impacting Earth in 2029. Additional observations of the asteroid ruled out any possibility of an impact in 2029. However, Apophis is expected to make a record-setting -- but harmless -- close approach to Earth on April 13, 2029, when it comes no closer than 18,300 miles (29,450 kilometers) above Earth's surface. The asteroid will make another approach to Earth in 2036. Data collected by telescopes during today's close approach are expected to refine the asteroid's orbit to the point where an impact in 2036 can be ruled out.

The Herschel Observatory is a European Space Agency mission in which NASA plays an important role.

Over the weekend, Herschel gathered data while observing Apophis for about two hours on its approach to Earth, ahead of today's closest encounter at a little less than one-tenth of the distance from Earth to the sun: about 9 million miles (14.5 million kilometers). The space observatory provided the first thermal infrared observations of Apophis at different wavelengths, which together with optical measurements helped refine estimates of the asteroid's properties. Previous estimates bracketed the asteroid's average diameter at about 885 feet (270 meters). Herschel's observations indicate the space rock is about 1,060 feet (325 meters) across.

By analyzing the heat emitted by Apophis, Herschel also provided a new estimate of the asteroid's albedo -- a measure of its reflectivity-- of 0.23. This value means that 23 percent of the sunlight falling onto the asteroid is reflected; the rest is absorbed and heats up the asteroid. The previous albedo estimate for Apophis was 0.33.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson To Perform At President Obama's Second Inauguration

Beyonce will sing the national anthem at the January 21 ceremony.
By Gil Kaufman

Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage


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T-Mobile gives MLB a magenta makeover with multi-year partnership

TMobile gives Major League Baseball a magenta makeover with multiyear partnership

As if managers of MLB teams didn't have enough to look forward to with the upcoming baseball season, many of 'em will be staring at one of these contraptions in the dugout. Today, T-Mobile announced a multi-year partnership with Major League Baseball in which the magenta carrier will provide an on-field communication system that links team managers in the dugout to coaches in the bullpen. Naturally, the setup will operate over T-Mobile's wireless network. With the deal in place, T-Mobile subscribers will gain access to exclusive MLB content. For what it's worth, we can also look forward to the carrier's role as presenting sponsor of ESPN's Wednesday Night Baseball. Hey, it's one way to get the word out about those unlimited plans.

[Image credit: Darren Rovell / Twitter]

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Source: MLB, ESPN


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FILE ? This June 22, 2012 file photo shows musician Bobby Womack in Los Angeles. Womack told the BBC in a recent interview that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer?s disease. The diagnosis comes after he began to have difficulty remembering his songs and the names of people he?s worked with. Alzheimer?s is a degenerative [...]

MANILA, Philippines ? Twenty-six years after Roman Catholic leaders helped his mother marshal millions of Filipinos in an uprising that ousted a dictator, President Benigno Aquino III has picked a fight with the church over contraceptives and won a victory that bared the bishops? worst nightmare: They no longer sway the masses. Aquino last month [...]

Drink of the week ? Irish coffee at Pig Pen Saloon Drinking ? Appreciating a classic, right off the slopes of the Park City Mountain Resort. First Published Dec 12 2012 02:29 pm ? Last Updated Dec 12 2012 02:29 pm $7 ? Pig Pen?s Irish coffee For maximum enjoyment of this drink, [...]

TAMOUN, West Bank (AP) ? Palestinians say a raid by Israeli soldiers disguised as vegetable vendors to seize members of a militant group has sparked clashes in the northern West Bank. Residents in the town of Tamoun say youths are tossing stones and bottles at Israeli troops, while the soldiers have responded with what appears [...]


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NVIDIA Project Shield photo gallery

Android Central

CES hasn't even officially begun yet, and already we've had what might be the biggest Android announcement of the show -- NVIDIA's Project Shield. A hand-held Android-powered games console running NVIDIA's new Tegra 4 chip, Shield promises the ability to run Android games from Google Play and Tegrazone, as well as games streamed through a PC with a GeForce GPU.

We still don't know anything about when you'll be able to get your hands on Project Shield, or how much it'll cost, but what we can show you is a selection of photos of the device from today's NVIDIA press event in Las Vegas.

You can find 'em after the break, along with today's press release.

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3D Systems second-gen Cube 3D printer boasts faster prints and more materials


Everybody loves a sequel, right? And what better place to launch a followup than in shiny Las Vegas? Exactly a year after launch the first generation of its consumer-friendly 3D printer, the Cube, 3D Systems is getting ready to unleash its successor on the world. The second-gen Cube offers a number of enhancements over last year's model, including the ability to print up to 1.5 times faster and printing in both ABS and recyclable PLA plastics. The printer maintains the earlier version's easily-loaded cartridges (which can be sent back empty for a discount), touchscreen controls and WiFi connectivity.

They'll start shipping on the 21st of this month to interested makers who pre-order one now for $1,399.

Continue reading 3D Systems second-gen Cube 3D printer boasts faster prints and more materials

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Family of journalist seized in Syria break their silence

The relatives of a missing freelance journalist have lifted a self-imposed silence about the abduction, hoping their public appeal Tuesday will yield details about the American correspondent seized by gunmen in Syria.

James Foley disappeared more than six weeks ago while covering Syria for the U.S.-based Global Post. His family had kept quiet about the abduction, hoping the low profile would encourage negotiations with his captors. They broke their silence after failing to get any new details about his disappearance.

??We felt that it was important to make people aware and remind them that Jim is an objective journalist, he?s an innocent journalist who is doing his job, and to appeal to the people that are holding him, to release him safely, to release him unharmed,? Michael Foley, the journalist's brother, told TODAY?s Savannah Guthrie.

Global Post executives have been extremely helpful in search efforts, but the family has not learned anything new, prompting them to launch a website,

?We?ve turned over every rock, as you can imagine,? Michael Foley said.

James' and Michael's mother, Diane Foley, said she last heard from James right before Thanksgiving. He had called to express his condolences about the death of her 104-year-old aunt.

?He called just to say he was sorry and that he would be home soon and was thinking of me,? Diane said.

She said the call illustrates the passionate, caring nature of her 39-year-old son, who was a teacher before he became a journalist.

?He really wants to give voice to people in conflict. He?s very interested in people. A really good listener, and really cares, particularly about the vulnerable ones, the children in the midst of the war, and the civilians in the midst of it all,? she said.

Foley has reported extensively in the Middle East and North Africa. This is not the first time he has been abducted. He was held for more than a month in Libya after being captured in April 2011.

But that case was different, Diane Foley said.

?He was sighted then. We have not even seen him (this time). No one has witnessed him since he was kidnapped. It?s very different that way. We don?t know who is holding him. We really need to hear from Jim,? she said.

Foley?s abduction occurred about a month before NBC?s chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, was seized with his four-man camera crew in the same northern province of Idlib. The group was held captive for five days, and their capture underscores the danger journalists face covering the war-torn nation.

Richard Engel and team freed from captors in Syria

Final member of NBC News team working with Richard Engel crosses safely from Syria

Engel and crew believed they wouldn't make it out of Syria alive



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Monday, January 7, 2013

Breast feeding does not prevent eczema in children | fitness health ...

European countries have consistently initiative broad young parents, delayed breast feeding time in order to reduce the incidence of eczema in children.But, according to the British ?Daily Mail? in August 24 daily now, people on the egg yolk with more comprehensive understanding, found in the yolk of certain nutrients, such as iron, not easy to be baby absorption., ?British Journal of Dermatology? published by a British and German scientists with complete new research spread propaganda, breast feeding is not the prevention of childhood eczema.

From the University of London Kings College, University of Nottingham and University of Ulm scientists link for the query access from Europe, Latin America, touch, Africa and Asia 21 countries 51119 8? 12 year old child.Scientists after the process of questionnaire inquiry parents access function differentiation, get tested child coherent data.For example, eczema attack scene, scene, breast feeding and weaning time.The tested children also receive eczema and skin prick skin test check the scene (mites and other allergens) check.

Scientists create, whether in developed countries or in the development of Chinese home, delayed weaning and delayed breast feeding time is unable to land of childhood eczema morbidity due to the lack of recognition of children, fear and mental weariness..Pure breast feeding children over the age of 4 months, the eczema attack rate is not lower than the earlier weaning of children.

University of London Kings College Carsten middot; Dr. Flor suggests such as excessive can cause poisoning, loss of appetite, vomiting, blood calcium had appeared the phenomenon of higher.Should the UK breast feeding, ?guide? on eczema content review, modification refresh.For ldquo in breast feeding; which links and how to give baby to add solid food in order to reduce eczema and other allergic disease risk ? problem at the age of 5 years, these children underwent an IQ test., needs further study on.

Dr. Flor also reiterated, breast feeding and other benefits are still very important.The UK Department of Health Initiative exclusive breast feeding for 6 months in children, to add complementary, still need to breast feeding for a period of time.Chen Zonglun.

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Qualcomm's Snapdragon S4 Pro processor has been blowing us away with its speed in phones like the Nexus 4 and HTC's Droid DNA, and that's why we can't wait to meet its big brothers. The Snapdragon 800 boasts a quad-core Krait 400 CPU, that can go up to 2.3GHz per core. More »


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At Iowa prison, a lonely battle against sex movies

In this Dec. 28, 2012 photo, correctional officer Kristine Sink speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Iowa City, Iowa, about her lawsuit against officials at the state penitentiary in Fort Madison. Sink said she fought for years against the practice of allowing inmates to watch movies that contained graphic scenes of sex and violence. (AP Photo/Ryan J. Foley)

In this Dec. 28, 2012 photo, correctional officer Kristine Sink speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Iowa City, Iowa, about her lawsuit against officials at the state penitentiary in Fort Madison. Sink said she fought for years against the practice of allowing inmates to watch movies that contained graphic scenes of sex and violence. (AP Photo/Ryan J. Foley)

In this Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 photo, internal prison records about a movie program operated by the state penitentiary in Fort Madison lie on display while correctional officer Kristine Sink talks during an interview with The Associated Press in Iowa City, Iowa. Sink said she fought for years against the practice of allowing inmates to watch movies that contained graphic scenes of sex and violence. (AP Photo/Ryan J. Foley)

(AP) ? Administrators let offenders at one of Iowa's most dangerous prison units watch violent and sexually explicit movies and TV shows for years, despite repeated complaints from a female officer who said it encouraged inmates to sexually harass her.

Murderers, sexual predators and other men housed at a unit for mentally ill inmates at the maximum-security state prison in Fort Madison were allowed to watch movies such as "Deranged," a horror film that includes a scene in which a woman is beaten, raped, hung upside down and skinned. Among other movies inmates watched were "Delta of Venus," an erotic film; "Coffey," which shows sadism and attempted rape; and "Cruel Intentions," records show.

Despite correctional officer Kristine Sink's complaints, administrators told her not to turn off the movies or shows. When she did, they accused her of insubordination, according to department records that Sink provided to The Associated Press. One warden blamed Sink for causing problems by complaining, and another supervisor suggested her outfits ? a standard-issue uniform ? were enticing inmates.

Sink said she has fought a lonely battle under four wardens against movies that caused inmates to become sexually aggressive ? through "10 years of misery." She filed a lawsuit Nov. 30 against prison officials alleging sexual harassment, discrimination and workplace retaliation, seeking an unspecified amount of damages.

"It's inconceivable. If I had not lived through it myself, I wouldn't believe this," she said.

Sink, who started at the prison in 2003 after the factory where she had been working shut down, said the movies played multiple times a day for a week on a television in a common area where 45 inmates could watch. Some inmates would openly masturbate and make sexually harassing comments to her.

Sink said that when prison officials finally acted on her complaints in September 2011 by largely barring movies with sexually explicit content, inmates blamed her and subjected her to a torrent of insults and threats to beat or even kill her. One threw urine on her. Despite the threats, Sink said her supervisors refused to move her to a job where she wouldn't be in contact with inmates for more than a year. She was finally moved to a desk job last month, after she filed her lawsuit.

Sink's attorney, Brooke Timmer, said the lawsuit is aimed at forcing changes to allow employees to file complaints without retaliation and be free from sexual harassment by inmates.

"No private employer could get away with this," she said.

Sink said she began complaining about the practice of allowing inmates to rent or purchase graphic movies to be shown to the unit soon after she went to work there. She filed a formal complaint with in 2007 after the showing of "Deranged."

"What are we saying to the sex offenders that are already convicted of these crimes and then we provide them visual viewing to fantasize about or to act upon," Sink wrote to then-Warden John Ault. She told him she has been waiting for management "to fix this wrong and make it right for over four years."

Sink told Ault, who retired in 2010, that inmates were accusing her of trying to eliminate their movies and suggested a supervisor had let them know she complained.

Ault responded that he took "umbrage" with her claim that management identified her, and said "you, and you alone, have put yourself out there" by turning off movies and complaining. He said it was her who got upset and filed the complaint, even though steps were being taken to select more appropriate movies.

"I question who here has created a 'more hostile environment to work in' or an 'unsecured environment to work in', as you call it," Ault wrote. "I cannot disagree with you that some of the scenes in movies have shown sexual violence, especially those involving females, and should not have been shown, and we believe we have tightened up the process to lessen the likelihood of such movies being shown. We must remember, however, that we are an institution of adult males, and much of what we show can be seen on general television broadcasts."

Sink claims a male supervisor then told her the department had received a complaint from an inmate that her clothes were too tight. Sink says she was humiliated when she was directed to turn around so the supervisor could inspect her uniform.

Weeks later, Ault dismissed Sink's complaint, saying officials determined the movies didn't violate the state's violence-free workplace policy. "As always, we encourage you to continue to report any inappropriate behaviors you may encounter while performing your job duties," he wrote.

Months later, Sink wrote that she turned off another movie after it showed sexual violence and she found one inmate masturbating in his cell. Another inmate said, "No offense but some women like it that way," she wrote to superiors. She said such movies jeopardized staff security and hurt the goals of sex offender treatment.

Department spokesman Fred Scaletta said he couldn't comment on Sink's allegations. He said the agency prohibits the showing of NC-17 films and requires any R-rated videos to have a "redeeming value." Unrated shows must be reviewed to ensure they are appropriate, he said.

In 2009, Ault adopted guidelines that allowed movies to be shown in inmates' cells after 9 p.m., not in the common area. But Sink said Ault's successor, Nick Ludwick, loosened the restriction at the urging of inmates. Ault and Ludwick declined interview requests.

In 2011, inmates were allowed to watch the Showtime series, "Californication." Sink said she objected to sex scenes that "whipped up" inmates and turned off the show despite an order not to do so. Sink said she was investigated for insubordination and later learned she received a disciplinary letter, which has since been removed from her file.

Associated Press


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Sunday, January 6, 2013

India gang-rape victim's friend recounts attack

School children and staff watch a self defense training program at a school in Mumbai, India, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. An attack on a 23-year-old woman, who died of severe internal injuries over the weekend, has provoked a fierce debate across India about the routine mistreatment of women and triggered daily protests demanding action. Indian Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde announced a special recruitment drive for women police officers Thursday and ordered every police station in the capital to be staffed by at least nine female officers to make them more attentive to women's needs. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

School children and staff watch a self defense training program at a school in Mumbai, India, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. An attack on a 23-year-old woman, who died of severe internal injuries over the weekend, has provoked a fierce debate across India about the routine mistreatment of women and triggered daily protests demanding action. Indian Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde announced a special recruitment drive for women police officers Thursday and ordered every police station in the capital to be staffed by at least nine female officers to make them more attentive to women's needs. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

A young boy participates in a candlelight vigil protesting against a leader of the ruling Congress party on accusations he raped a woman in a village in the early hours of the morning, in Gauhati, India, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. Footage on Indian television showed the extraordinary scene of local women surrounding Bikram Singh Brahma, ripping off his shirt and repeatedly slapping him across the face. A Dec. 16 gang rape on a woman, who later died of her injuries, has caused outrage across India, sparking protests and demands for tough new rape laws, better police protection for women and a sustained campaign to change society's views about women. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

Indians participate in a candlelight vigil protesting against a leader of the ruling Congress party on accusations he raped a woman in a village in the early hours of the morning, in Gauhati, India, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. Footage on Indian television showed the extraordinary scene of local women surrounding Bikram Singh Brahma, ripping off his shirt and repeatedly slapping him across the face. A Dec. 16 gang rape on a woman, who later died of her injuries, has caused outrage across India, sparking protests and demands for tough new rape laws, better police protection for women and a sustained campaign to change society's views about women. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

Indians participate in a candlelight vigil protesting against a leader of the ruling Congress party on accusations he raped a woman in a village in the early hours of the morning, in Gauhati, India, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. Footage on Indian television showed the extraordinary scene of local women surrounding Bikram Singh Brahma, ripping off his shirt and repeatedly slapping him across the face. A Dec. 16 gang rape on a woman, who later died of her injuries, has caused outrage across India, sparking protests and demands for tough new rape laws, better police protection for women and a sustained campaign to change society's views about women. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

(AP) ? The suffering of a university student and her male friend who were brutally attacked aboard a bus in India's capital did not end after the woman was gang-raped and both were savagely beaten for 2 1/2 hours. Dumped naked on a roadside, the pair encountered shocking apathy as passersby offered only cursory looks and police debated jurisdiction for 30 minutes before taking them to a hospital, where the man received no treatment as he sat without clothes on the floor, the friend recounted in a television interview.

The interview Friday marked the first time the man, who has not been named, has spoken publicly about the Dec. 16 attack in New Delhi.

The attack has outraged Indians and led to calls for tougher rape laws and reforms of a police culture that often blames rape victims and refuses to file charges against accused attackers. The nation's top law enforcement official said the country needs to crack down on crimes against women with "an iron hand."

The 23-year-old woman died last weekend from massive internal injuries suffered during the attack. Authorities charged five men with her murder and rape and were holding a sixth suspect believed to be a juvenile. A hearing in the case was scheduled for Saturday.

On the night of the attack, the woman and her companion had just finished watching the movie "Life of Pi" at an upscale mall and were looking for a ride home. An autorickshaw driver declined to take them, so they boarded the private bus with the six assailants inside, the companion told the Indian TV station Zee News.

Authorities have not named the man because of the sensitivity of the case. Zee News also declined to give his name, although it did show his face during the interview. The man has a broken leg and was sitting in a wheelchair during the interview.

Indian law prohibits the disclosure of the identity of victims in rape cases, and police have opened an investigation into the TV station for broadcasting the interview, New Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said Saturday. Violators of the law can face up to two years in prison and a fine.

The man went on to tell Zee News that after the pair were on the bus for a while, the men started harassing and attacking them.

"I gave a tough fight to three of them. I punched them hard. But then two others hit me with an iron rod," he said. The woman tried to call the police using her mobile phone, but the men took it away from her, he said. They then took her to the rear seats of the bus and raped her.

"The attack was so brutal I can't even tell you ... even animals don't behave like that," the man said.

Afterward, he overheard some of the attackers saying the woman was dead, he said.

The men then dumped their bleeding and naked bodies under an overpass. The woman's companion waved to passersby on bikes, in autorickshaws and in cars for help, but no one stopped. "They slowed down, looked at our naked bodies and left," he said.

"My friend was grievously injured and bleeding profusely," he said. "Cars, autos and bikes slowed down and sped away. I kept waving for help. The ones who stopped stared at us, discussing what could have happened. Nobody did anything."

After about 20 minutes, three police vans arrived, but the officers argued over who had jurisdiction over the crime as the man pleaded for clothes and an ambulance, he said.

Finally, he said, they were taken to a hospital.

"When we reached the hospital, I sat without clothes on the floor for a long time even as my friend was taken inside for treatment," he said.

The man said he was given no medical care. He then spent four days at the police station helping police investigate the crime. He said he visited his friend in the hospital, told her the attackers were arrested and promised to fight for her.

He said his friend was determined to see that the attackers were punished. "She gave all details of the crime to the magistrate ? things we can't even talk about," he said. "She told me that the culprits should be burnt alive."

The man said he gave the TV interview because he hopes it will encourage rape victims to come forward and speak about their ordeals without shame.

"She has awakened us all by her courage," he said of his friend, who died at a Singapore hospital after being flown there for treatment. "People should move ahead in the struggle to prevent a similar crime happening again as a tribute to her."

Most people in India are reluctant to get involved in police business because once they become witnesses, they can be dragged into legal cases that can go on for years. Also, Indian police are often seen less as protectors and more as harassers.

On Friday, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said crimes against women and marginalized sections of society are increasing, and it is the government's responsibility to stop them.

"This needs to be curbed by an iron hand," he told a conference of state officials from across India that was called to discuss how to protect women.

He called for changes in the law and the way police investigate cases so justice can be swiftly delivered. Many rape cases are bogged down in India's overburdened and sluggish court system for years.

"We need a reappraisal of the entire system," he said.

In the wake of the rape, several petitioners appealed to the Supreme Court to take an active role in the issue of women's safety.

On Friday, the court dismissed a petition asking it to suspend Indian lawmakers accused of crimes against women, saying it doesn't have jurisdiction, according to the Press Trust of India. The Association for Democratic Reforms, an organization that tracks officials' criminal records, said six state lawmakers are facing rape prosecutions and two national parliamentarians are facing charges of crimes against women that fall short of rape.

However, the court did agree to look into the widespread creation of more fast-track courts for accused rapists across the country.



Associated Press


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For Startups In Search Of A Celebrity Partner, Go Beyond The Name

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Posted by Administrator on Jan 6, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

Multi-level marketing, like many other things in life, is a subject that requires a great deal of information to make it a success. Therefore, you should aim to learn the methods given in the below article to better your success.

Deciding that you should succeed is a great thing to do for network marketing. This is something that cannot be taken lightly, instead you need to treat it as though it were your own brick and mortar business. If you are unable to visualize your business becoming successful, then it won?t happen.

Set goals and expectations before beginning a multilevel marketing business. Are you taking up multi-level marketing just to have a hobby in your free time? Setting goals and working hard are the best ways to be successful.

TIP! Promote conversation among your network contacts. Promoting your products is easier as you learn more about your contacts.

When you are writing on your website or writing for a seminar, be unique! Comprehensively cover everything!

Expect some problems when your first start but don?t always try to solve things by yourself. Find out what resources are available to you, or get assistance from the company for which you?re working. Not looking for help when you need it is a surefire way to dig yourself into a hole. Look for assistance as soon as you notice you are encountering an issue, and make sure you define your problem as clearly as possible.

Everyone loves to get something great for only a little bit of money! Choose a multi-level marketing company who provides coupons for the items you?ll be selling. There are many ways to give these coupons out, so get creative! The law of supply and demand says that people are more likely to buy something if it?s cheaper.

TIP! Many successful network marketers are eager to talk about the mistakes they?ve made and the strategies that have worked for them; keep an ear open for this experienced advice. You can often hear about other people?s network marketing stories from podcasts.

Follow what others are doing to succeed. Go up the line for better advice. By following in their steps, you will be able to duplicate their success in business. By mimicking the approaches and attitudes of these people, you will be able to rise to the top quickly. Not only should we learn from our mistakes, but also from the successes of others.

When choosing an opportunity in network marketing, review it and understand their compensation plan. You should have higher return preferences that have multiple streams of income. Keep in mind that your sponsor will end up with your first sales referrals. This is great because sponsors are helpful and provide leverage.

When deciding which multilevel marketing program to join, you should choose one that offers products that appeal to you. Your passion for the products will rub off on your customers, and in turn, your customers will be more interested in the products as well.

TIP! With a negative approach, network marketing can become a game of life-or-death competition to sign up as many people as possible. Instead, think of how the work you do could help people, and work from there.

Your team should hold regular meetings. People need to work together and support one another in this business; a meeting is needed to develop a course of action for the entire team to reach the common goal. You will find that communication is critical to have all of the parts of a team work as a whole.

Make small, specific goals to see the most enduring results. Even if you have your long term objectives planned, it can be useful to frequently check up on your activities every 3 months. By reviewing your performance regularly and setting interim goals, you can keep your marketing efforts in line with your long-term plan.

To become a network marketing field leader, you need the passion to inspire others and the drive to contribute towards their success. When you reach the point that people are being helped by the item you are marketing, then your profits will increase.

TIP! A very successful strategy for network marketers involves neural-linguistic programming. Conversely, statements centering on the word ?you? are important when trying to convince someone else of an idea.

It?s always a good idea to consult with consumer watchdogs entities prior to making any commitment. Whilst there are a lot of legitimate businesses in the marketplace, there is also a huge number of fraudulent ones. You need to be sure that your investment is safe. A good place to do research into a business that you are thinking of investing in is at a local chapter of the BBB (Better Business Bureau). The BBB can help you verify the reputation of that company.

You should see improvement every time you apply a new tip to your multi-level marketing efforts. Ultimately, your goal is to bring in as much profit as possible. Apply these tips to your marketing efforts to see a great improvement in your profit levels.

TIP! A good way to get ahead in marketing is to learn from all of your mistakes. Analyze the cost of every mistake and determine what went wrong.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to file a San Diego Personal Injury Claim without Medical ...

Not everyone can afford a doctor and not everyone has up-to-date medical insurance. ?If you have been injured in San Diego it does not matter whether you have medical insurance or can afford a doctor. ?Injured victims in San Diego and throughout the state of California usually have the option of being treated on a lien basis. Many doctors, hospital and other healthcare providers including certified specialists in X-Ray and MRI centers, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists, offer their medical services on a lien basis.

What is Lien Basis Medical Treatment?

Most people are familiar with property liens; ?that is, a creditor?s notice attached to your property claiming that you owe them money. Similar to a property lien, lien basis medical treatment is a form of payment security. ?It ?grants the doctor a lien against your monetary recovery in your personal injury case. ?In other words,?it?is a written and signed agreement ?that you will ?pay ?your medical providers ?their money due after your personal injury case is completed. Once your personal injury lawyer wins your case, the medical bills will be paid from your personal injury settlement monies.

Lien basis medical treatment will not have any negative consequences on your case. ? Your medical bills will be paid by the person who was at fault in causing your injuries, or their insurance carrier. ?It works the same as if you had insurance and received treatment through your own health insurance plan. ?In such a case, the person who was at fault in injuring you would be required to pay for your medical bills incurred through your own health insurance plan.

You might wonder if doctors who treat on a ?medical lien basis are as good as doctors who don?t treat on a lien basis. ?Be assured that some of the best, most highly qualified, and reputable medical providers ?in California treat patients on a lien basis. Their willingness to perform medical services now and await payment until you either settle or win a jury verdict ?reflects a decision they have made as medical ?professionals ?as to how to conduct their practice. ?It may even suggest that the doctor is genuinely focused on helping patients. ?Doctors who perform services on a lien basis make it possible for all people to receive the best medical treatment possible even if they do not have medical insurance.

If you have been injured and cannot afford a doctor or you have limited or no medical insurance, your San Diego Personal Injury Attorney?will be able to refer you to the most reputable doctors who perform services on a lien basis, to ensure you receive the best possible medical treatment as you proceed with your personal injury claim. Call the Law Office of Peter S. Cameron at 877-603-8473 for your free consultation.

This article is for educational and marketing purposes only. ?It does not create an attorney-client relationship.


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Cancer-specific killer T cells from induced pluripotent stem cells

Friday, January 4, 2013

Researchers from the RIKEN Research Centre for Allergy and Immunology in Japan report today that they have succeeded for the first time in creating cancer-specific, immune system cells called killer T lymphocytes, from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). To create these killer cells, the team first had to reprogram T lymphocytes specialized in killing a certain type of cancer, into iPS cells. The iPS cells then generated fully active, cancer-specific T lymphocytes. These lymphocytes regenerated from iPS cells could potentially serve as cancer therapy in the future.

Previous research has shown that killer T lymphocytes produced in the lab using conventional methods are inefficient in killing cancer cells mainly because they have a very short life-span, which limits their use as treatment for cancer. To overcome these problems, the Japanese researchers led by Hiroshi Kawamoto and presenting their results in the journal Cell Stem Cell online today, reprogramed mature human killer T lymphocytes into iPS cells and investigated how these cells differentiate.

The team induced killer T lymphocytes specific for a certain type of skin cancer to reprogram into iPS cells by exposing the lymphocytes to the 'Yamanaka factors'. The 'Yamanaka factors' is a group of compounds that induce cells to revert back to a non-specialized, pluripotent stage. The iPS cells obtained were then grown in the lab and induced to differentiate into killer T lymphocytes again. This new batch of T lymphocytes was shown to be specific for the same type of skin cancer as the original lymphocytes: they maintained the genetic reorganization enabling them to express the cancer-specific receptor on their surface. The new T lymphocytes were also shown to be active and to produce the anti-tumor compound interferon ?.

"We have succeeded in the expansion of antigen-specific T cells by making iPS cells and differentiating them back into functional T cells. The next step will be to test whether these T cells can selectively kill tumor cells but not other cells in the body. If they do, these cells might be directly injected into patients for therapy. This could be realized in the not-so-distant future." explains Dr Kawamoto.


Raul Vizcardo, Kyoko Masuda, Daisuke Yamada, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Kanako Shimizu, Shin-ichiro Fujii, Haruhiko Koseki, Hiroshi Kawamoto "Regeneration of human tumor antigen-specific T cells from iPS cells derived from mature CD8+ T cells." Cell Stem Cell, 2013


Thanks to RIKEN for this article.

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