Friday, September 7, 2012

Quick Ways To Get Your Ex Back - This Works!

Quick Ways To Get Your Ex Back  -  This Works!

The period immediately after the end of a relationship is always the most difficult one. The change has been profound, one day you were in a relationship and the next day it was all over. This is a hard pill to swallow. You feel almost totally alone, no one seems to understand what you are going through. People will say cliched things "get over it" and "don't worry, there are plenty more fish in the sea", if only it was as easy as that. The fact is you are still in love, you have eyes for only one person, and now that person is gone.

Don't beg...Please! Using the pity card to make your ex to take you back is a really bad idea. Begging and pleading rarely works, and when it does, it never works well. Pity is not a good foundation for any relationship, the pity will soon wear off and you will be back to square one. A lot of people in your position tend to make this mistake.

You may see getting your ex back into your life as a daunting task. The truth is, anything that is too easy to get probably isn't worth having. Fighting to get the person that you love back into your life is well worth it. After all, it is better to try than regret not trying later on down the line. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself is not going to achieve anything. If you want to get your ex back quickly then the only way to achieve that goal is to motivate yourself and get proactive.

Using Reverse Psychology To Win Back Your Ex

Reverse psychology is a tool that can be used to great effect. Turning the tables can work wonders when you want to get your ex back quick. Doing the exact opposite of what your ex expects you to do will put you in a stronger overall position. Your ex rejected you when they dumped you, now you have to make them feel the same kind of rejection.

Drop off your ex's radar. Don't contact them, you want to make them contact you. Start "moving on", and make it very obvious that you are doing so. Your ex may be thinking that you cannot cope after the breakup, you have to show them that you can cope very well. By keeping your distance you show that you are in control of the situation and that the breakup hasn't broken you.

Expand your social life, take up new activities, exude confidence. Your ex will start wondering why you "moved on" so quickly, as a result you will become desirable to them again. Scarcity creates demand, always remember that, make it your mantra. When your ex thinks that he/she can't have you then they will want you even more, that is just a basic element of human nature.

Using Jealousy To Win Your Ex Back

You can use jealousy as a tool to win your ex back, but you have to use it sparingly. Do not go overboard. If you do go overboard (for example, sleep with random people) then you run the risk of completely closing the door on any prospect of getting your relationship back on track. This is not what you want.

You can, however, use jealousy if you set strict limits and stick to them. Going out on dates in places where you will be noticed, flirting in front of your ex's friends, adding photos of yourself to Facebook with other men/women that your ex does not know. These are all ways to make your ex jealous and want you back again. Use the grapevine to your advantage, put the word out that you really like (insert name here) and wouldn't mind hooking up with them. When the news gets back to your ex, he/she will seriously start to reconsider their position. Panic will start to set in, they will wonder how you could forget about them so quickly.

The wheels are now in motion. Your ex will get the impression that time is quickly running out, they will feel that if they don't make a move to show you that they are still interested it will be too late to do so. Getting the person that you love to this point is just the opening stage of the battle to win your ex back fast. There are more steps to get back on the road into their life.

What Do I Do Now?

Now that you know some of the basics it is time to build up your knowledge base even more. Being dumped can be reversed, is not the end of the line. It is just a case of acquiring the skill set needed to rekindle your relationship.

Break up mistakes are very common, you need to learn how to anticipate and avoid the pitfalls that most people in your situation fall victim to. Being prepared is half the battle. Knowledge is key.


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