Monday, July 2, 2012

LETTERS: Readers sound off on what's missing from GOP nominee, politicians that dodge issues and A&M's latest expansion

What?s missing?

I?ve been listening to several conservative radio talk-show hosts who proclaim without a doubt that Barack Obama is the worst president we have had in the history of this nation. According to these guys, this president is a socialist, tax-and-spend liberal, he?s arrogant and anti-constitutionalist. They say he has wrecked the economy, set a course for bankrupting the country, burdened our future generations with trillions of dollars in debt and has destroyed our nation?s sense of pride and exceptionalism.

With all this perceived baggage, however, I find it amazing that recent polls show Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are tied. If Obama is really so bad and he continues to ?destroy? this country, why is it the best Republicans can do is put in a guy who is so uninspiring in the polls?

Romney has no baggage compared to Obama. He has done nothing to embarrass our country and he hasn?t increased the deficit or the unemployment rate. Why is he not overwhelmingly ahead of Obama in the polls?

I believe Republicans have made a big mistake in their choice for a standard bearer for the GOP. This election should be locked up by the Republicans with no doubt as to the outcome.

What are they missing?

John Dalrymple, Waco

Plea to politicians

This has been mentioned before, but apparently our elected politicians aren?t listening. So I?ll say it again: Stop all of the bickering back and forth and forget about being Republican, Democrat or independent. Start thinking about what is best for American citizens.

Why not ask us what we think about the issues?

Stop the mudslinging and tell us where you stand on the isssues at hand and what you are doing to resolve the problems this country faces.

We don?t need lawmakers telling us how their opponent did drugs or had an affair years ago. That doesn?t have anything to do with the issues.

And don?t be a ?fence sitter.? Tell us what side you are on.

I know this last request will be the hardest of all, but please be honest. Don?t just tell us what you think we want to hear. This country was founded on Christian principles and our representatives should reflect those principles.

Bottom line: Stop the photo sessions and parties and start studying the issues. Talk to the people you represent and supposedly work for. That?s right, you work for us and you can be ?fired!?

Bill Pugh, Valley Mills

A&M expansion

Texas A&M University first got a medical school by affiliating with Scott & White Healthcare.?Then A&M bought Baylor University?s dental school (still called the Baylor College of Dentistry).

This week we learned that A&M has bought Texas Wesleyan School of Law in Fort Worth for about $25 million. It will be called the Texas A&M School of Law at Texas Wesleyan University.

I wonder if Baylor?s George W. Truett Theological Seminary is next on their list?

Jim McGregor, Waco


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