Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 5 June 2012

Adventures in the physics garden

Run on a giant hamster wheel for humans and learn about the principles of engineering at a new science garden in Birmingham, UK

Spy telescopes could help NASA pin down dark energy

Excitement is growing over the Pentagon hand-me-downs, which are capable of surveying the sky for a certain type of exploding star

Watching the transit of Venus... from Saturn

This week's transit is the last to be seen from Earth for more than a century, but the same event should be visible from other planets later this year

Games consoles bring second screens to your TV

Additional displays promise to augment video games, films and TV programmes at this year's E3 games industry trade show

Japan's record-breaking quake shaking table

The giant tables of a Japanese earthquake-testing facility lead the way when it comes to assessing shake-resistant building materials

Transit of Venus and the changing nature of discovery

Globe-trotting astronomers have been watching Venus cross the face of the sun for centuries - but their aims have changed beyond all recognition

Flame virus hijacked Windows' last line of defence

If we can't trust Microsoft's update mechanism to protect our computers from threats, what can we trust?

What does the internet's physical structure look like?

What lies at the internet's heart? How does a crow's mind work? And what happens when scientists play dirty?

Touchscreens learn your habits to help you type faster

It's hard to type on a touchscreen - but a keyboard that changes to fit your quirks might reduce the mistakes you make

Was humanity born in the mother of all plagues?

Early in human evolution, our ancestors switched off two key genes. Doing so may have allowed us to fight off an epidemic of bacterial disease

Transit of a lifetime: Why all eyes are on Venus now

It's the last chance for any astronomer alive to see Venus pass across the face of the sun - and now it can tell us about planets much, much further away

US military malodorant missiles kick up a stink

Do newly developed pungent stink bombs sidestep the Chemical Weapons Convention? The US Department of Defense thinks so

Who owns asteroids or the moon?

Plans to mine minerals on celestial bodies could violate many aspects of international space law, says Paul Marks

Dark matter, dark energy, dark... magnetism?

There is a new suspect in the search for the mysterious force ripping apart the cosmos, says Stephen Battersby

Microwaves transmit stock trades faster than fibre optics

Stock traders want to use microwaves instead of fibre optics to trade between Chicago and New York. Is the speed of light too slow?

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