Saturday, November 24, 2012

Video: Cease fire between Israel, Gaza is tested by deaths

>> the uneasy peace in the middle east . this morning violence broke out near the border of israel and gaza . nbc's ayman mohyeldin is live in gaza . good morning.

>> reporter: good morning. eight days of fighting people here are still feeling the effects of that devastation. in fact, two more bodies were recovered yesterday under rubble in a house destroyed by an israeli air strike bringing the total of palestinians killed to 164. meanwhile, children returning to school and the question on everyone's mind is whether or not this cease-fire will hold. more than a day after going into effect, a fragile cease-fire had been violated. it's not clear why the israelis shot on the men who were on the palestinian side of the fence, but israel maintains a no-go area along the border to thwart possible attacks. it's not bombs or missiles that are falling on gaza today. instead, it's a much-needed rainfall for the farmers here. acre after acre, row after row of fresh strawberries and eggplant, locally grown for lucrative european markets. this is peak export season. the only problem with the recent war in the israeli siege on the tear tory firmly in place, gaza 's borders have been sealed off, effectively banning all exports and depriving farmers and their families, a key source of income.

>> reporter: moving goods and people was one of hamas' demands to stop record attacks in israel . on thursday hamas and it military wings celebrated the cease-fire across gaza , declaring it a victory here. their popularity has skyrocketed in recent days. but for the farmers here, they need immediate help especially now that the tunnels used to smuggle in farming supplies and we ops, according to israel , were destroyed by israeli air strikes . israel , too reeling financially from the war. after eight days of fighting israeli industry has lost more than $50 million. communities in southern israel are also trying to get back to a normal life here as children return to schools without the sounds of the daily sirens. and while communities on both sides try to rebuild in the calm the cease-fire has brought, the fear of violence is never far from anyone's mind. now, the palestinian factions here in gaza have condemned that deadly attack this morning, though they are not saying they will take any retral try measures as of yet, so for the time become the concern or tension among ordinary people is not necessarily going to translate into any severe action that could jeopardize that calm.


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